Monday, May 23, 2011

School stuff

So, as I was changing a diaper the other day, the mail man showed up and delivered Kathryn's homeschool curriculum. I was not expecting it so soon. I had just ordered it Monday and it came early on Saturday. Anyway, I got it inside and opened it up then called Kathryn to come sit with me and look through it. The more we looked through it the more excited we became. Kathryn actually said she was ready to start!!! That made me feel so good. I told her we would start in July. I am going to Kentucky for my niece's graduation at the beginning of June or we might have started sooner. Anyway, we are excited to get this journey started!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Well, I just did it! I ordered Kathryn's homeschool curriculum! Our yard sale Saturday was a wonderful success! God showed Himself in great ways. He held off the rain, gave us beautiful sunshine and a great turn out! We made more than was needed for her curriculum! Isn't that just like God though? Abundance!!! God is so good! He deserves all the praise and Glory for the day!