Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lots of Milestones

There have been lots of  milestones around here this week so I thought I would write about them. Kathryn is continuing to do great in school. Going to meet her AR(reading) goal again this nine weeks. She is in first grade and can read third grade book with no problem. Samuel has stopped using a paci!!!!!! And is continuing with his potty training. Sara Grace is Finally sleeping through the night. Chasity has slept through the night two nights in a row! Now granted that last one is her going to bed at midnight and getting up at six or seven, but that is all night for me! My body does not know what to think. It will be great when my bladder gets used to being in bed all night too! So those are the milestones of this past week. Tomorrow Chasity will be two months old! The time just goes so fast. Our Anniversary is Tuesday. We will have been married for 8 years! Sara grace will be 15 months old this month. Yep, lots of milestones! And I am looking forward to so many more.

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