Saturday, July 24, 2010

Much calmer today

Well, things have been much calmer today thank the Lord. Chris is off this weekend so it has been nice having him at the house today. Although, as I am writing this he is at the hospital visiting with his dad who had to have surgery on Friday. They said he had cancer in his colon and had to remove a large piece of it but they hope that is all they will have to do. Anyway, we spent most of the day hanging out inside. Chris bless his heart spent the first part of his cutting the grass. That's no fun. Good thing is...once he was done we jumped in the pool! Our kids are so funny. They just love the water. Kathryn swims with no floaties like a big girl. Samuel wears his floaties and takes off. Sara Grace likes being held for obvious reasons. So we all had a great time and before we got out me and Kathryn had a noodle war to see who could blow the water out of the noodle at each other the quickest! It was so funny! Then we came in, ate and cooled off for a bit. Then Chris went to the hospital and that brings me back full circle. As a side note, I stepped out of the living room for a minute and heard Kathryn begin to sing " Eye of the tiger" I thought it was funny. Anyway, my little one is crying, but I am glad for a calm day!

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