Friday, July 23, 2010

So, have you ever had one of those days?

I know we have all asked this question who knows how many times. We can all say yes to that question many times over I am sure. But today...was just one of those days. It started out pretty busy anyway because everyone in the house decided to wake up at the exact same time! Me, a 6 year old an 18 month old and an almost 7 month old all waking up at the exact moment. CRAZY! That meant two diapers needed changing and the other two of us needed to use the restroom at the same time. Then everyone wanted to eat at the same time which is not usually the case for us. I should have known then how the rest of the would go. I put Sara down to change Samuel and when I went to pick her up she had pooped all out of her diaper into the bouncy seat she was in. Bath one of the day. Laundry load one of the day. Then as the day progressed Samuel decided his body was a good choice for art work instead of paper and he used his sisters markers to draw all over himself. Bath number two. Kathryn decides she wants to go ahead and take her bath. That's three. Finally the two little ones, after several more diapers and many a mess have been made, take naps. I then take a shower. As soon as I get out Sara wakes up and we start all over again. When I grab some time to get on the computer, Kathryn forgets to close a baby gate and Samuel managed to get a bottle of gel and proceeds to make a mess all over the floor. Bath...done lost count! And of course there are more messes and more drama as the rest of the day goes on and wouldn't you know it, after dinner Samuel needs yet another bath! I am exhausted! Now for the bed and hopefully sweet dreams!

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